Tips for Patients with Allergy Rhinitis

Keep the bedroom with as little furniture as possible, wash the minimum bed linen once a week with warm water, avoid fabric curtains, ideally roller blind.

Clean with damp rag cloth instead of sweeping. If aspirated the allergic person should stay out for at least two hours.

Avoid pets so say that “do not produce allergy” because not only the hair but saliva, and dandruff influence. In case of having pets should not be in the rooms, wash them frequently and brush them by someone non-allergic and outside the house because the particles are suspended in the air for several hours.

If the cause of the allergy is identified, contact with this substance should be avoided.

To recall the importance of consulting the otorhino to establish proper management and investigate that there are no other associated problems or complications that can originate from allergy such as sinusitis, asthma, otitis, respiratory obstruction, large cornets, hypertrophy of the tonsils and adenoids.


Allergy is an exaggerated response of our body when it comes into contact with certain substances (allergens) coming from outside. Allergic rhinitis is mainly produced by dust mites, cat hair and dander, dog, plant and tree spores, grass and damp sites.

The most common symptoms are:

Scratching in the eyes, nose, throat, and ears; tearing, redness, and clear nasal discharge.
Sometimes cough, sore throat and headache. It can appear in children and adults and can be inherited.